Hello There

I'm Zack, I'm a 27 year old Full-Stack Web Developer, Radio Enthusiast and Hobbyist Photographer from the Tampa Bay Area.

I like to solve problems and take pictures. This is my website / portfolio / dumping ground.

Nice to meet you.

Open Source Projects

Pretty much everything I do nowadays is for a company and not public, but here's a small collection of things I maintain or created at one point in time, in no particular order.

A local docker PHP development image providing (mostly) everything you need* for a basic web project

  • PHP-FPM (with xdebug)
  • MariaDB
  • Redis
  • MailHog
  • Selenium (if your application needs browser automation.)

An updated (and (sort of) maintained) fork of michaelbonds/ship-station

Designed to programmatically access the ShipStation REST API via PHP with Guzzle

An extensible Java IRC bot with a node-based permissions system, meant for basic channel administration and utilities, featuring a full plugin system with runtime classloading